Cassette awnings

Cassette awnings

Best sun protection with cassette awnings

Most people today when installing awnings rely on the so-called cassette awnings. These captivate on the one hand by their shapely appearance and on the other hand also by the matured technology. So können Sie bei der Auswahl des Tuchs aus einer Vielzahl verschiedener Designs wählen. When the cassette awnings are retracted, the fabric is in a cassette, which makes it ideally protected against all weather conditions.

Bei uns gibt es die Dreambox und Dreambox Grande,

The Dreambox Grande can transmit the failure up to 350 cm, the Dreambox up to 300 cm . Aufhängepunkte an der Decke oder Wand mit 2 Konsolen. These are always mounted on the outside and can not be moved.

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